Empires of End Times
May 2005
Those great beasts, which are four, are four kings which arise out of the
earth. (Daniel 7:17, NKJV)
Now the beast which I saw was like a leopard, his feet were like the feet
of a bear, and his mouth like the mouth of a lion. The dragon gave him his
power, his throne, and great authority. (Revelation 13:2, NKJV)
relevance to the end times or last days, there have recently been many books
written. Many of the things that were prophesied about sounded a little
ludicrous and unbelievable to me. This was the case, for example, with warnings
by a certain Wlodek Surkov from Australia, who, in the early 1990s, sent to
Poland flyers announcing the advent of micro-chips implanted under the skin of
people. Media outlets were silent on this subject; the Internet did not yet
exist in our country, and stories told by Surkov rather resembled the perfect
gibberish of a raving fanatic pursuing an evil Satanic conspiracy in everything
rather than God's revelation of a hidden reality. Ten years later, the Kurier
Lubelski newspaper published an article confirming the word-for-word prediction
by Surkov.
in the 1980s, David Wilkerson spoke of the impending collapse of America, the
first sign of which appeared to be the burning of oil fields in Arab countries.
Initially, it appeared that Wilkerson made a mistake and drove too far in his
righteous indignation at the sin of America. First, the Soviet Union collapsed,
and the Americans won the "cold war," becoming undoubtedly the
world's leading superpower. Then they won the Persian Gulf War, although it was
then that Hussein set fire to Kuwaiti oil fields. Despite this, there were no
indications that these flaming oil wells were actually a sign of the coming end
of U.S. dominance. However, on September 11, 2001, Arab terrorists were
believed to have attacked the twin towers of the World Trade Centre in New
York, which introduced not only America but the entire world to a whole new
era. Osama bin Laden, accused of preparing those attacks, said that one of the
reasons for this terror attack was the American presence in the Persian Gulf.
In 1864,
one of the men of God, Charles Spurgeon, announced the impending mass return of
Jews to Palestine and the rebirth of Israel. Yet less than a hundred years
later, these allegedly implausible words met their historical fulfilment.
themes are really complex. Personally, I was overwhelmed by the immensity of
the mystery, and I thought that one must first thoroughly understand the more
basic things and enter into intimate communion with God so as to then properly
teach apocalyptic visions. I held in my hands a few books on the Revelation of
John, and I wondered how people who did not delve into the prophecies of Isaiah
and Zephaniah dared take to so much food for thought and write meagrely
edifying load of bunkum. I myself grappled with some more important and
closer-to-the-Christian-life problems, so I put off the final issue until
In summer
2000 I wanted to avail myself of at least several days of vacation in a more
intense search for God. I went to a secluded place to be able to spend several
hours a day in prayer. I expected that the Holy Spirit would tell me what I
thought to be the most important and reveal to me the mysteries that I tried to
unravel. But, instead, my thoughts wandered to the books of Daniel, Revelation
and the prophecy of Zechariah. Somewhat contrary to my plans, based on Daniel's
vision, God has clearly showed me the political future which will set in before
the Antichrist and his global state turn up. The longer I considered and
researched into this topic the more I was convinced that Daniel prophesied not
only to the ancient Jews but that his vision would be fulfilled once again in a
very similar form at the end of the last days.
Ever since
I received this revelation, I have heard many theories uttered by some
Christians on upheavals and wars that are to come. I have searched through the
Internet to see if anyone too believes in the actuality and topicality of
Daniel's visions. I haven’t yet found anything concrete or specific. Many words
and long articles presented all possible and conflicting conspiracy theories,
however, without quoting any facts firmly embedded in the Bible. Also, today's
famous men of God foretelling the rapture and the end of the world for the year
200X or 201X seemed to have no idea about the many political changes that must
occur – as promised to us by God Himself. The theory of German and Russian
armies, which in just a few years will set off against the Jews in Israel and
will fall on the Israeli territory before the rise of the global state, made me
lost in wonder because this theory sticks out like a sore thumb compared to the
prophecy of Daniel. The more I listened the more I realized that Christianity
is in some confusion and uncertainty – we know about the coming global state,
we know that today's powers, in some way, all contribute to this, but we don’t
know exactly what lies ahead of us.
I believe
that in great measure the vision of Daniel allows us to understand how the
Beast will come - both the Antichrist himself and his country. To a large
extent, this vision is consistent with the intuitions of Christians around the
world, but also helps us to systematize the facts and accurately identify the
time in which we live. This prophecy is deeply rooted in the Bible and its
relevance is highlighted in the Book of Revelation by the Apostle John directly
referring to the words of Daniel. It also allows us to understand why reading
the books of Daniel and Revelation is officially banned in China; why David
Wilkerson called the USA “Babylon”, but in reality they are not the “Great
Babylon” – the apocalyptic woman on the beast; why and how God can judge the
German nation for the crimes against the Jews even prior to the advent of the
Antichrist's reign; why many Russian Christians called the USSR an apocalyptic
beast; why some prophets proclaim the terrible judgment of God over the USA,
while others say about God's mercy and blessing over this country; why the EU
is seen as the nucleus of the Antichrist's future state; as well as why they
say about the rebirth of the Roman Empire.
“8The beast that you saw was, and is not, and will ascend out of
the bottomless pit and go to perdition. And those who dwell on the earth will
marvel, whose names are not written in the Book of Life from the foundation of
the world, when they see the beast that was, and is not, and yet is. 9Here
is the mind which has wisdom: The seven heads are seven mountains on which the
woman sits. 10There are also seven kings. Five have fallen, one is,
and the other has not yet come. And when he comes, he must continue a short
time. 11The beast that was, and is not, is himself also the eighth,
and is of the seven, and is going to perdition”. (Revelation
17: 8-11, NKJV)
For some
time, I wondered which king John was writing about. All the time I thought
that, as in other parts of the Apocalypse, “beast” here meant the Antichrist,
so I tried to find a particular person among the biblical and purely historical
figures. However, my search proved futile. And no wonder. In the end, I
realized that in this place, “beast” does not mean the human king whom I was
looking for.
Why not?
Well, God is speaking of the "beast,” which comes from the “pit” or
the "abyss," a dwelling place of demons and every unclean
spirit. Was any of the characters of ancient history, any of the rulers of
Rome, or any ruler known to us from the biblical account, an incarnation of
Satan, the real embodiment of evil? No, they were all ordinary people. Only a
little do we know and can we say about Rephaim, Nephilim or Anakim, who were
half-men, descendants of the fallen angels. But even they cannot live for
hundreds of years or experience reincarnation so that we can say that any of
them “was, and is not, and yet is.” Inasmuch as in this
passage of the Apocalypse, “beast”, referring to the eighth king and also one
of the preceding seven kings, does not denote “man”, so whom is God speaking
about here?
Just refer
to the seventh chapter of Daniel to note the extraordinary resemblance to the
apocalyptic description. There, elucidating the vision, the angel explains to
the prophet:
“Those great beasts, which are four, are four kings which arise out of the
earth”. (Daniel 7:
17, NKJV)
Daniel saw
this vision at the time of the Babylonian Empire and, on the basis of the rest
of Daniel's visions, we know that those various beasts represent the empires of
Babylon, Persia, Greece and Rome. Why were the world's political powers
described by God as “kings”?
In the book
of Daniel 10:13.20.21, 11:1, and 12:1, the angel reveals the secret to the
prophet: there are angelic princes and kings designated over earthly
countries and their ruling kings. Those invisible devilish and God's rulers
fight wars between one another and exercise effective control over the kings
and the countries of the Earth. We read about it in the other books of the
Bible as well, for example, 2 Samuel 5:24, Joshua 5:14, Isaiah 24:21, Luke 4:6,
Ephesians 3:10, and Revelation 12:7. On this basis, we can safely assume that
the seven apocalyptic kings, one of whom will still return in the form of the
beast, do not mean the human but the angelic kings, high-ranking demons of the
Devil, ruling at their time over the seven great world powers. The return of
one of them would mean an unexpected revival of one of those long-fallen
empires, thereby arousing admiration and affection for himself among the people
of this world who yearn in their hearts for the mythical glory, splendour,
power and material wealth of the beauty of the ancient culture. According to
the above interpretation, the sixth king reigning at the time of the Apocalypse
being written was the angelic ruler of the Roman Empire since it was Rome which
ruled over the civilized and biblical world when Jesus Christ was born and then
His followers became Church.
What great
powers were then ruled by the five previous king-demons? In the biblical story
of the Old Testament, we find five empires which are excellent candidates for
these “demonic kings” mentioned in the Book of Revelation. They are, namely,
Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medo-Persia and the Greek-Macedonian state of
Alexander the Great. Firstly, these are the empires recognized by historians
and archaeologists as the most significant civilizations that existed before
Christ. Secondly, each of these powers is closely linked with the history of
Israel and each of them, at some point in their history, became the apparatus
of oppression, cruel persecution and extermination against Abraham's
descendants. It is for this reason that God identifies and determines these
empires as “beasts” since, apart from idolatry practised by them, they became
tools in the hands of Satan against God's chosen ones.
Egyptians were the first to make slaves of the Hebrews and mass-murder Hebrew
boys, based on the Book of Exodus. Then the Assyrians harassed Israel and Judah
until they took the inhabitants of Israel captive into exile—we read about it
in 2 Kings 17. Isaiah also gives us this course of events:
“For thus says the Lord God: “My people went down at first into Egypt to
dwell there;
Then the Assyrian oppressed them without cause.” (Isaiah 52:
4, NKJV)
The nations
that had fought with Israel since the exodus until the time of Assyria were not
significant powers, and one could not call them superpowers; they were
generally states and tribes surrounding Israel, which, however, never managed
to dominate the Hebrews for a period longer than several years. The history of
those local wars can be found in the Book of Judges and the Books of Samuel.
devastating opponent of Israel, after Egypt and Assyria, turned out to be the
Babylonian Empire. King Nebuchadnezzar destroyed Jerusalem, burned the Temple
and abducted Judah into exile to Babylon. The State of Israel ceased to exist
and Abraham's children scattered from Egypt to Syria and today's Iraq.
Then there
came a turn for the Medo-Persian union. The Persians initially gave the
Judaeans legal permission to return to Palestine and rebuild the Temple, but
later, they almost brought about the total extermination or annihilation of the
Israelites by allowing Haman to exterminate or annihilate every Hebrew from
India to Egypt. The history and story of those anti-Semitic plans and the
miraculous survival of the Israelites delivered from the hands of the
inhabitants of Persia are depicted in the Book of Esther, and to this day they
are commemorated by the Jewish feast of Purim.
The fifth
power that Satan used in his attempt to kill off God's chosen nation and shake
their faith in the true God was the Greco-Macedonian empire of Alexander the
Great. After Alexander's death, the state was divided among four of his
commanders, including Seleucus. One of the successors of Seleucus, Antiochus IV
Epiphanes, became the type of Antichrist, as described by Daniel in his
prophetic visions. In 168 BC, not only did Antiochus Epiphanes invade Jerusalem
and destroy the city, but he also plundered the Temple and enforced the worship
of Olympian Zeus on them. A swine sacrificed on the Temple altar at that time
led to a revolt of the Judeans known as the Maccabean Revolt. The Maccabees
were victorious over the Seleucid Empire, and in 165 BC, once again, they
purified the Temple of Jerusalem for the worship of Yahweh. For this occasion,
in December, Jews celebrated the Feast of the Dedication of the Temple
(Hanukkah or Chanukkah), which is also mentioned in the Gospel of John
The sixth power,
as already mentioned before, was the Roman Empire. Rome was the
"beast," not only because of its power and political dominance as
well as idolatry and debauched immorality, but above all because the rulers of
this empire so cruelly persecuted both Christians and Judeans. The governments
of the Romans in Judea were not devoid of violence, as we read in the Gospel of
Luke 13:1 and John 11:48. The Emperor Caligula planned to force the Jews into
idolatrous worship of his image, which would inevitably lead to a revolt, but
his premature death thwarted the intentions of the maniacal ruler. Also,
Claudius was not sympathetic towards the Jews, ordering them to leave Rome
(Acts 18:2). The Palestinian Jews themselves, who rejected Jesus and were
impatient with awaiting their messiah for so long, provoked the Romans to armed
military interventions, stirring up the mob and attracting crowds of their
followers. The first such bands were mentioned by Gamaliel the Elder in the
Book of Acts 5:36–37. Ultimately, however, this was as prophesied by Jesus in
the Gospel of Luke 21:6 and 23:28.
In response
to the Jewish Revolt from AD 66, the emperor Nero dispatched his legions to
Palestine, which in AD 70, under the command of Titus, captured Jerusalem,
destroyed the Temple, and killed thousands of Judeans. Deprived of the Temple
and the possibility of fully practising their religion, Judaeans began to leave
Palestine en masse, moving to other areas of the Empire. Subsequent Judean
uprisings also resulted in their defeat, which further contributed to the
emigration of the Hebrews from the territories of Israel.
The eighth
power will embrace the entire world, becoming an apocalyptic "beast.” Who,
however, was this mysterious seventh king who was to come after the demon king
of Rome? Has this seventh king come yet, or is he yet to come? What does
history tell us?
Well, in
order to answer this question, we must first find the common features of the
first six beasts. First, these were countries that, at some point in history,
experienced extraordinary economic prosperity and shook the civilized world by
becoming unchallenged superpowers. Second, they were carrying out a policy of
territorial expansion, embracing, by their rule and boundaries, huge swathes
and expanses of land and absorbing many other states, tribes, and nations. And
third, the nation of Israel itself was found under their direct rule, which
Satan used in the form of cruel persecution aimed at destroying the Hebrews’
faith as well as the entire chosen nation. Then, after the fall of Rome up to
the present day, was there such an empire that was characterized by these three
Until the
Age of Enlightenment, the vast majority of both the Judaeans, aka Jews, and
Christians lived on the territory of Europe that just became Europe, which was
the centre of world civilization after the collapse of Rome. However, over
these hundreds of years, no European country was able to dominate most of the
civilized world. Many powers rose, but none of them grew to the measure of the
empire. And even if some appeared (e.g., Napoleon's state), they did not do
major harm or damage to Judeans/Jews or Christians. We could only mention here
the empire of the Vatican. However, the Papal Church State was not the empire
in the purely political sense of the word, and I believe that in the Apocalypse
it plays a somewhat different role, if equally infamous.
Where is
the seventh king, then? Who was the seventh beast—if there were any already? I
personally believe that this seventh beast was the Third Reich—Hitler's Empire.
To my mind, this is the only country in the course of history that has all
three features of the first six empires and perfectly fits in with the biblical
context, which will be mentioned further. Firstly, in the 1930s of the
twentieth century, Germany experienced extraordinary economic growth thanks to
the changes introduced by Adolf Hitler. In a very short time, his country also
became a military power, which, as it turned out later, none of the world
powers could match. If the world powers had not created the coalition, they
would most probably never have been able to defeat the fascist army. Secondly,
Nazi Germany pursued an aggressive policy of territorial expansion by absorbing
the bulk of the most civilized countries and nations so that only the powers
protected by the vast expanse of the ocean, such as the United Kingdom and the
United States, managed to withstand the greed of the German dictator. The whole
civilized world was shaken by Hitler's Nazi Empire, and it was feared by all
nations. Only with the collective effort of the majority of the peoples of the
Earth was it possible to finally overcome the fascist state. And thirdly, in
the tyrannical grip of the lunatic leader were most Jews of Europe. It is
unnecessary to explain that it was Adolf Hitler who was the worst enemy of the
Jewry in human history and successfully implemented the plans for their
ruthless extermination or annihilation.
Hitler's Empire not only had all three characteristics of the apocalyptic
demonic powers ruled by the demoniac kings, but it perfectly suited a certain
pattern of succession of these powers. To wit:
Egypt was defeated by the Assyrians who captured Thebes in 667 BC
Assyria was subdued by the Babylonians who captured Nineveh in 612
Babylon was routed by the Persians who conquered Babylon in 539 BC
Persia was defeated by the Greeks who made the conquest of Susa and
Persepolis around 329 BC
Greece was overcome by the Romans who seized Corinth in 146 BC,
Athens in 86 BC and Alexandria in 31 BC
Each of the
six heads of “the beast” somehow took over the power from the previous one. And
who defeated Rome? The Germanic tribes, specifically the Heruli, who in AD 476
deposed the last emperor of Rome, Romulus
the splendour and significance of the world empire took the Germanic tribes
almost 1500 years, but a similar situation was also true of the previous six
apocalyptic powers. Egypt was at the height of its power and splendour during
the reign of Amenhotep II, called “the heroic king," most probably the
Pharaoh, who opposed Moses and Aaron. From the time of the Exodus, which took
place around 1500 BC, Egypt was gradually declining both militarily and
economically. Under the reign of Amenhotep II, Egyptian borders extended from
Elephantine to Hamath and even Carchemish and Aleppo, covering a land area of
over half a million square kilometres. But 800 years later, Egypt's influence
ended in today's Gaza, and only then did the Assyrian state become a global
superpower. After the conquest of Egypt, the Assyrian Empire covered an area of
almost 1.5 million square kilometres, or nearly three times more than the
empire of Amenhotep II a few hundred years ago. It is true that the Babylonian,
Persian, and Greek empires were taking over power from each other a little
faster, while still retaining their splendour and majesty, but after the
division of Alexander's conquests, his empire began to lose its lustre, just
like Egypt had previously. The Romans, fighting with the Greeks, defeated them
gradually over the decades, conquering by stages the smaller countries, once
part of the Greco-Macedonian empire. The Roman Empire became an invincible
power only 300 years after the victorious conquests by Alexander the Great, aka
Alexander III of Macedon. Areas of Rome included a land surface of nearly 4.5
million square kilometres. The Germanic Empire of Hitler ruled most of Europe
and the northern shores of Africa, making it far larger than any of the six
previous empires.
The Third
Reich therefore possessed all the features of the empires of a “beast’s nature”
and took over the power from the Roman Empire, although the Germans had to wait
many centuries to be in their heyday, like the Assyrians and the Romans before.
But what is equally important, Nazi Germany became an empire only for “a
short time," as we read of the seventh king in the Apocalypse. Egypt
was the power for hundreds of years, like Assyria, Persia, Greece and Rome.
Only the new Babylonian Empire dominated the civilized and Jewish world for
almost 70 years, but this is very long compared to the twelve years of Hitler's
rule. The Germanic Empire appeared just briefly, shook the world much more than
all its predecessors, murdered more Jews than its predecessors did and became
soon a thing of the past.
This means
that, in accordance with the biblical prophecies described in the Books of
Daniel and Revelation, the next world-wide superpower, which will take
possession of the civilized world and, at some point in time, will plan the
extermination of the Jews, will become the last great demonic empire in the
history of the world, i.e., the Eighth King and the very Beast indeed.
“10There are also seven kings. Five have fallen, one is, and the
other has not yet come. And when he comes, he must continue a short time. 11The
beast that was, and is not, is himself also the eighth, and is of the seven,
and is going to perdition.” (Revelation 17:10–11, NKJV)
In the
previous section, it was shown that these seven kings were demonic
principalities—the fallen angels of Satan standing high in the hierarchy of
power in the kingdom of darkness, ruling over the seven earthly superpowers. At
one time, these powers dominated most of the civilized world, spreading fear
and terror, and, at some point in their existence, sought to annihilate the
chosen people and abolish the worship of Yahweh. These seven empires go in this
order: Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Persia, Greece, Rome and Germany. Although
there existed many other empires apart from them—the Aztecs in America, the
Mongols in Asia, or the Zulus in Africa—none of them nevertheless became a
superpower that would shake the civilized world and implement a scheme to obliterate
the Jews, their culture, and their faith.
The Beast,
the Antichrist's ultimate empire, will be a rebirth and somehow a resurrection
of one of the seven superpowers. The demonic king who had to get out of the way
(and with him his terrestrial empire) will come back, arousing the astonishment
and admiration of the people of this world. Now this angelic messenger of Satan
is waiting for the right moment to return, although people have long forgotten
about him and admire his past glory only in the ruins of monuments, museums and
colourful stories from history. Who is this fallen angel? Which of the seven
empires will return to fulfil the apocalyptic prophecy of becoming the
“beast"—the E Empire of the Antichrist?
explanation of this mystery is in the Book of Daniel. In the second chapter of
this book, we read about the dream of King Nebuchadnezzar II of Babylon and the
interpretation of this prophetic vision. The ruler was shown the future: the
Babylonian empire would be followed by two other powers: Persia and Greece. The
fourth empire, i.e., Rome, was portrayed in the vision as the shins of iron and
the feet as a mixture of iron and clay. Then the fifth kingdom was to come—the
Messiah’s eternal and imperishable kingdom covering all the earth. This vision
was only partially fulfilled—indeed, the Kingdom of God came to people in the
person of Christ and then the Holy Spirit, just in the times of the Roman
Empire—but the further part of the prophecy speaking of the fact that the
Kingdom of God “shall break in pieces and consume all these
kingdoms”, “so that no trace of them was found” (Daniel 2:44.35,
NKJV), is still awaiting its fulfilment. This prophecy will be fulfilled only
when the Roman Empire is revived.
interpretation is also confirmed by another vision of Daniel, which John
alluded to in the Book of Revelation. The seventh chapter of Daniel’s Book
portrays four beasts (Daniel 7:3), just as the Antichrist and his kingdom came
out of the sea (Revelation 13:1). The fact that these beasts came out of the
sea indicates their demonic origin because the Hebrew word “sea” and “abyss,
depth” are often used interchangeably. With this interpretation, we see again
that these beasts came out of the abyss and they represent some
commanders-in-chief of the angels of Satan. This is also confirmed by another
statement of the Apostle John: the second beast, or the false prophet, came not
from the sea, but from “the earth” (Revelation 13:11) – which
means that the false prophet will not be an incarnation of Satan but merely an
anointed-by-the-devil ordinary man. This relationship between the Antichrist
and his prophet will be similar to the relationship between Jesus and John the
Baptist. John said of himself that he was “from the earth”, and said about
Jesus that he is “from above” (John 3:31). Likewise, the prophet of the
Antichrist will be “from the earth”, but the Antichrist himself and his state
will be “from the deep” or “the underworld”.
visionary lecture given to Daniel by the angel expressly states that the four
beasts, which the prophet saw, are the “four kings which arise out of the
earth” (Daniel 7:17, NKJV)—these are four terrestrial empires
ruled by demonic supremacies.
- The lion represents the Babylonian Empire, which
was humiliated like its rulers were (Daniel 4 and 5).
- The Bear raised up on one side means the union of
the Persians and the Medes, who defeated the Babylonians. However, it was
the Persians who proved to be the dominant force, and it was them, rather
than the Medes, who wielded supremacy in the new superpower.
- The Panther (Leopard), with four bird wings and
four heads, is the Macedonian Empire of Alexander the Great (Alexander III
of Macedon), which was divided among four of his generals after his death.
- The fourth beast is Rome, which in Daniel's
vision bears all the hallmarks and has all the makings of the apocalyptic
– the two
beasts originally have ten horns (Daniel 7:7.20.24; Revelation 13:1);
– the two
beasts will rule all the earth (Daniel 7:23; Revelation 13:7);
– from both
of these beasts, the Antichrist will emerge, blaspheming against God and intent
on changing the order of things (Daniel 7:8.11.25; Revelation 13:5-6);
– both
beasts will fight with the saints and overcome them (Daniel 7:21; Revelation
– both
beasts will rule for a time and times and half a time, i.e., for three and a
half years (Daniel 7:25 and 12:7; Revelation 11:2-3, 12:14;13:5);
– the two
beasts will finally be destroyed, and thereupon there will be the Kingdom of
God (Daniel 7:11–14.26–27; Revelation 19:20).
If this
prophecy of Daniel is to be fulfilled, then the Roman Empire itself is going to
be the power which will once again take possession and control of the entire
civilized and Jewish world.
In the two
previous chapters, it has been argued that the apocalyptic Beast with seven
heads and ten horns is not only the Antichrist himself, who is the incarnation
of Satan, but the word “beast” also denotes the earthly empire, which, in the
spiritual sphere, is ruled by the evil, high-ranking fallen angels wielding the
real power and authority over the human states. In the Book of the Apocalypse
(in reference to Daniel 7:17), those identified as the “beast” are the seven
powers that, throughout the course of history, not only shook the civilized
world but also sought to destroy the offspring of Abraham and eradicate the
faith in the God of Israel. Hitlerite Nazi Germany can be unselfconsciously
regarded as the seventh of these empires, whereas the Roman Empire is
one of the seven kings who once again returns as the eighth to
become the “beast” ruling over the entire world. This interpretation is
consistent with both the Book of Revelation and the vision of Daniel.
But is this
the end of the vision? Are these the boundaries of revelation which can be
reached on the basis of the word? Did God really only let us know that after
the fall of the German Empire, the Beast Empire will begin to emerge—the Roman
Empire resurrected? We would also be grateful to God for this “information”,
but as the prophet Amos said:
“Surely the Lord God does nothing, unless He reveals His secret
[intention/purpose] to His servants, the prophets” (Amos 3:7,
prophecies of the Old Testament (and some of the New Testament as well) have a
tendency to “like” repeating themselves in history – usually twice. The first
fulfilment of the prophecy is more literal and mundane. On the other hand, the
second fulfilment is also substantiated in the physical world, but its
spiritual weight is incomparably greater.
Take for
example, the famous words of Abraham, “My son, God will provide for
Himself the lamb for a burnt offering” (Genesis 22:8). The Prophet was
not even conscious of what he was saying, for God in fact prevented him from
sacrificing Isaac, supplying the lamb for the burnt offering, which had become
entangled in the bushes (Genesis 22:13). Happy Abraham, in honour of the
fulfilment of this small but very precious prophecy to him, gave this place the
name “The Lord sees” or “The Lord provides/supplies” (Genesis
22:14). This phrase is often cited these days as one of the names of God, who
revealed Himself there as the God supplying and caring for his people. However,
few people realize just how spiritually powerful and significant this prophecy
was, uttered by Abraham in Isaac’s presence at the time. Indeed, he prophesied
not just about a lamb that was to supersede the propitiatory sacrifice of his
son, but he did prophesy about the Lamb which would be provided for humankind
by God Himself to make atonement for the sins of the entire world. This
singled-out, delivered and provided-by-God-Himself Lamb was our Lord Jesus
Christ, in accordance with what is written:
“The next day John [the Baptist] saw Jesus coming toward him, and said,
The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world’” (John
1:29, NKJV).
It is
clear, then, that Abraham's prophecy was fulfilled twice, once more literally,
the second time a little more spiritually, but it was the second fulfilment of
the prophecy that was the proper and final fulfilment of the prediction.
The same
truth applies to another prophecy, which the angel then addressed to Abraham,
saying that “your descendants shall possess the gate of their enemies”
(Genesis 22:17, NKJV). Indeed, a few hundred years later, the Israelites under
Joshua started a highly successful conquest of Canaan, winning city after city,
spreading fear and terror. Despite this, nearly 1,500 years after Joshua and
his army had crossed Palestine’s borders, Zechariah, the father of John the
Baptist, filled with the Holy Spirit, thanked God that this promise made to
Abraham would now be carried out:
“Being delivered from the hand
of our enemies, might serve Him without fear,
in holiness and righteousness before Him all the days of our life” (Luke
1:74–75, NKJV).
So, the
first fulfilment of the prophecy was more literal, but less significant: these
Israelites fought victoriously with other people in the struggle over the land
of Canaan. However, the second fulfilment of the prophecy is a whole lot more
important and has a thousand times greater resonance because, in Christ, we are
liberated not from human enemies but from demons and the control of the kingdom
of darkness, and we fight not for a physical land but for the spiritual ground:
the fulfillment of God's promises to us in Christ.
example of the double fulfilment of the prophecy is a well-known statement by
“The Lord your God will raise up for you a Prophet like me from your midst,
from your brethren. Him you shall hear” (Deuteronomy 18:15, NKJV).
Who was
alluded to here? Joshua, of course. But this first fulfilment of the prophecy
was more literal and less meaningful, although more acceptable for a soulical
or soulish human. The second fulfilment of this prophecy, in Stephen’s own
words (Acts 7:37), was by all means more significant as it referred to Christ.
In the same way, the prophecy spoken to David about his son, who would build
the temple of God (2 Samuel 7:12–14), first referred to Solomon, the builder of
the Temple of Jerusalem. However, the second fulfilment of the prophecy was
much more important since it related to Christ, the builder of the Church, the
true Temple of God.
A similar
principle of double fulfilment of the Old Testament prophecies also often
refers to political and historical events, a good example of which are some of
the last words of Christ:
“21Then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains, let
those who are in the midst of her depart, and let not those who are in the
country enter her. 22For these are the days of vengeance, that
all things which are written may be fulfilled. 23But woe to those
who are pregnant and to those who are nursing babies in those days! For there
will be great distress in the land and wrath upon this people. 24And
they will fall by the edge of the sword, and be led away captive into all
nations. And Jerusalem will be trampled by Gentiles until the times of the
Gentiles are fulfilled” (Luke 21:21–24, NKJV).
These words
were fulfilled for the first time about 40 years after the martyrdom of Jesus,
when the Romans suppressed the Jewish uprising, then conquered Jerusalem and
slew its inhabitants in AD 70. According to the descriptions by Titus Flavius
Josephus (aka Joseph ben Matityahu), the carnage was so great that the
shed blood running through the streets flowed into homes and quenched the
hearths hollowed out in the floor. Apparently, so many Jews were crucified at
that time that the Roman legionnaires finally ran out of wood to put up more
crosses. However, under the vision of Zechariah, we know that the prophecy will
be fulfilled again at the close of the last days:
“2For I will gather all the nations to battle against Jerusalem;
The city shall be taken, the houses rifled, and the women ravished. Half of the
city shall go into captivity, but the remnant of the people shall not be cut
off from the city .3 Then the Lord will go forth and fight against
those nations, as He fights in the day of battle” (Zechariah
14:2-3, NKJV).
It is
precisely the helplessness, the disappointment in the false messiah and the
vision of the inevitable destruction of the Jewish nation that will spur the
Jewish nation to seek the God of Israel and the true Messiah, Jesus of
Nazareth. This is also confirmed by the vision of Joel and the words of the
prophet Daniel:
“1At that time Michael shall stand up, the great prince who
stands watch over the sons of your people; and there shall be a time of
trouble, such as never was since there was a nation, even to that time. And at
that time your people shall be delivered, everyone who is found written in the
book. 2And many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall
awake, some to everlasting life, some to shame and everlasting contempt” (Daniel
12:1-2, NKJV).
Of course,
these words were also fulfilled for the first time in the lifetime of Christ
and the apostles. When the cruel tribulation came upon the people of Judea,
plenty of Jews obtained salvation, and there was even the resurrection of many
Old Testament saints (Matthew 27:52–53). However, this first fulfilment was
only the picture of things yet to come, in line with what is written:
“But you, Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book until the time of
the end...” (Daniel 12:4, NKJV)
“And he said, ‘Go your way, Daniel, for the words are closed up and sealed
till the time of the end’” (Daniel 12:9, NKJV).
These two
verses teach us that also the political and historical predictions of Daniel
will be fulfilled a second time. In the Book of Daniel, chapter 11 we read
about political events, which first took place about 300 years after the death
of the prophet. Thanks to Daniel's vision, a lot of Jews could have foreseen
the advent of the reign of Antiochus IV Epiphanes who violently opposed the
faith of the Israelites. On the basis of this vision, many may have also come
to the conclusion that the Messiah would come in the times of the fourth empire
after the Babylonian one, which turned out to be the superpower of Rome. Who
knows if not Daniel's prophetic words exactly reassured and confirmed the aged
Simeon in his belief “that he would not see death before he had seen the
Lord’s Christ (Messiah)” (Luke 2:26). Returning, however, to the
eleventh chapter of Daniel’s vision, Antiochus IV Epiphanes, being a historical
figure there, became in his words and deeds the evident archetype of the
Antichrist who would turn up at the end of time. Similarly, the eighth chapter
portrays the historical events that took place before the birth of Christ, but
they unequivocally refer to the figure of Antichrist, as explained by the
“Understand, son of man, that the vision refers to the time of the end” (Daniel
8:17, NKJV)
“Look, I am making known to you what shall happen in the latter time of the
indignation; for at the appointed time the end shall be” (Daniel
8:19, NKJV).
Based on
all of the above biblical prophecies and their explanations, we can be
absolutely certain that Daniel’s prophetic words – just like the other Old
Testament predictions – not only came true historically in the past in the days
of the Old Covenant, but they will be fulfilled again in the era of the New
Covenant. In the case of Daniel's vision, it will come to pass at the end of
time. We can derive a huge solace from it because, reading the words of the Old
Testament, we can consider not only the old history which no longer literally
concerns us, but by the Holy Spirit we have the ability to recognize the Old
Testament mysteries of God, which relate directly to us and our times. In this
the words of the Messiah Jesus find their amazing fulfilment:
“For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or
one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled” (Matthew
5:18, NKJV)
and in the
words of Paul:
“For whatever things were written before were written for our learning,
that we through the patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope” (Romans
15:4, NKJV).
In previous
chapters, it was mentioned that the Book of Daniel is closely linked with the
prophecies of the Apocalypse, and Daniel’s visions will come true again in the
last days, even though they have already found their original historical
fulfilment in Old Testament times. It is thanks to those predictions that the
elect Hebrews might have recognized that the Messiah was to appear during the
reign of Rome, and these very prophecies tell us about the future restoration
of the Roman Empire in the form of a global state of the Antichrist. Daniel was
also the first to prophesy openly and at length about the Antichrist whose
historical type was Antiochus IV Epiphanes, but Daniel's words are all the more
important to us, insomuch as they indicate the true Antichrist who is yet to
I have
already pointed out that the four successive empires in Daniel’s visions:
Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece and Rome are among the seven kings of Revelation:
the two empires existing before the days of Daniel, namely Egypt and Assyria
being the first oppressors of Israel and at the same time the first world
powers. Daniel lists the four consecutive ones, of which the last sixth power –
Rome ruled in the time of the Apostle John. The Teutons, the conquerors of
Rome, created the seventh global superpower in the first half of the XX
The most
important and yet covered-by-silence mystery which I aim for is that, like many
other Old Testament prophecies and many other parts of Daniel's vision, also
the very vision of the three great empires preceding the advent of the greatest
beast – Rome – was not only fulfilled historically in the form of Babylon,
Persia and Greece, but the prophecy still awaits its next fulfilment in the
last days. In other words, I believe that just as the emergence of the three
powers preceded the advent of powerful Rome in antient times, so will also the
final appearance of the three world powers precede the re-emergence of Rome in
the final times.
What do I
have to support my standpoint?
Firstly, did the Old Testament prophet actually devote so much space in the Bible
so that today we could read accounts of the purely historical events being of
little importance to us?
Secondly, in his four visions regarding the future empires, Daniel always saw the
end of history – the coming of the Kingdom of God and even the time of the
Thirdly, in the last two visions, Babylon was omitted, and the Antichrist emerged
as if not from Rome but from the Greek Empire, which in a purely historical
fulfilment of the prophecy was contrary to the first two visions, but this fact
can be very easily explained by assuming the reappearance of the three empires
preceding the future rebirth of Rome.
Fourthly, in the second vision the angel says strange words to Daniel:
“As for the rest of the beasts, they had their dominion taken away, yet
their lives were prolonged for a season and a time” (Daniel
7:12, NKV).
Is it
really after the killing of the fourth beast, Rome, that the power was taken
away from the three previous beasts: Babylon, Persia, and Greece? Were they not
already fallen earlier, just as John heard it in Revelation? Yes, these empires
somehow survived the fall of Rome, like Greece in the form of the Byzantine
Empire, but historically they followed one after the other. Hence, from a
historical point of view, one could try to find an inaccuracy in this prophecy.
While these words are indeed cryptic, the problem, however, looks quite
different assuming that they will repeat themselves in the future, which I
intend to present in the later part of this publication.
Fifthly, the apocalyptic beast—the risen Rome—is in fact a conglomeration of
empires found in the seventh chapter of Daniel’s vision. The Prophet likened
Babylon to the lion with eagle’s wings, Medo-Persia to the bear raised up on
one of its sides, whilst Macedonia and Greece to the panther (leopard) with
four bird’s wings. Then came the fourth and final beast—a world-wide empire.
The Beast that John depicted in the Book of Revelation was a combination of the
same three beasts which Daniel included in his vision: lion, bear and panther
“Now the beast which I saw was like a leopard, his feet were like the feet
of a bear, and his mouth like the mouth of a lion. The dragon gave him his
power, his throne, and great authority” (Revelation 13:2).
comparisons used here by God are by no means accidental, but closely refer to
the seventh chapter of Daniel, like the rest of the thirteenth chapter of
Revelation. I believe that through this, God tells us again that history will
repeat itself and the appearance of the three successive powers will herald the
coming of the world empire of Rome.
Of course,
on the one hand, these empires cannot possess all the features of the ancient
beasts, for then it would be inconsistent with another statement of the
Apocalypse where the sixth king—the Roman beast—was to be briefly followed by
the last, seventh king—the Germanic Empire—and then one of the seven kings
returns in the form of the worldwide empire (Revelation 17:10–11). In this
prophecy, there is no room for three additional empires of apocalyptic beasts’
character—powers openly fighting the Jews and shaking up all the civilized
On the
other hand, the empires must be so powerful and significant as to attract a lot
of publicity throughout the civilized world, and they must clearly appear in
the political arena as economic and military superpowers. Maybe not governing
most major centres of the civilized world on the pattern of the ancient empires
and Hitler’s state; perhaps not doing harm and injustice to the Jews, as was
the case with the seven demonic powers of the Apocalypse. However, they must
make themselves known to the world as the great empires of the civilized world
so as to be clearly recognized.
in order to remain similar to the three biblical beasts preceding the advent of
new Rome, it seems appropriate to seek such empires, which will follow one by
one, as it were.
the history of humankind since the fall of ancient Rome in AD 476 up to the
present day, I have tried to find the powers that would correspond to the
vision of Daniel. The Kingdom of the Franks, Byzantines, Arabs, Turkish and
Mongolian empires, Russia of Peter the Great, Spain, the Habsburg state,
colonial England and France of Napoleon are among the most well-known powers
that emerged after the collapse of Rome. But it was hard for me to find among
them enormous and successive powers ruling the most civilized nations and
expansive tracts of land. These empires came and went without a clear successor
and only a few of them, like the state of Napoleon, seized more important
centres of civilization. However hard I tried, no arduous matching was reminiscent
of the clear pattern of the three consecutive powers of the civilized world
described by Daniel.
But looking
a little closer, I noticed something extraordinary: in 1776, in North America,
there was an empire quite different from what had been known in history.
Independent small states, whose population was a mixture of native Americans
and various European nations (as well as incapacitated Africans then), decided
to merge together into a union, later called the United States of America, so
as to jointly throw off the yoke of the feudal ruler by creating the first
multinational democratic state in history. Revolt, deism (i.e., the belief in a
God who does not intervene in the fate of the world), power based on the will
of the people and desire for limitless freedom were the foundation of this new
superpower. Most of the creators of this country and its constitution belonged
to the Masonic lodge, which correctly identified the year 1776 as the beginning
of the Novus Ordo Seclorum, i.e., the New Order of the Ages, according to the
inscription placed on the one-dollar banknote later on.
Like it or
not, the United States arose as a result of the merger of the rebellious
nations, which wished to follow their own will rather than remain subject to
the authority of one man. As a consequence of the bloody revolution, they broke
away from the rule of the king, contrary to what was written:
“1Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For
there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are
appointed by God. 2Therefore whoever resists the authority resists
the ordinance of God, and those who resist will bring judgment on themselves.” (Romans
13:1-2 NKJV)
in America’s wake, many European countries, desiring freedom from feudal
oppression, unleashed bloody and gory revolutions. This absolute and boundless
desire for freedom, allegedly backed up by the Word of God, led to the
senseless death of 600,000 people during the American Civil War aimed at the
liberation of slaves, though both earlier and later in many other countries,
slavery died a natural death without firing a single shot. The revolutions in
France and Russia also resulted in hundreds of thousands of casualties, whilst
in many other countries, the role of the king naturally lost its importance and
became symbolic.
of what our view is on the issues of democracy and freedom, we can all
confidently say that the powers in the shape of multinational unions, united
states or unified republics were initiated by the example of the emergence of
the United States of America.
Thus, the
United (Little) States of America grew in strength from year to year, both
economically and militarily. Using falsehoods and constantly breaking previous
promises and treaties, they grabbed more and more land from the indigenous
population (later called Native Americans) by locking them in reservations and
ruthlessly murdering all those who resisted. More and more people from all over
the world, from Japan to Portugal, came to America "cleansed" in this
way, so the United States was the first melting pot of nations since time
immemorial. The country became a veritable international superpower after
defeating the German empire (of course, in coalition with other powers, Britain
and the Soviet Union). The Americans were the first to be in possession of
nuclear weapons, the first to set foot on the Moon and the first to fly over
their enemy’s territory with impunity. Although they never managed to dominate
most of the civilized world or seize full control of it, nevertheless, in the
second half of the 20th century, it was the USA which was the leading power
among all countries. Even though the Russians and other nations tried to catch
up with the USA, no other country in the world could boast equally delicious
combination of military and economic power. In economic terms, the United
States remained the most attractive country in the world after World War II,
still attracting thousands of immigrants even today. As regards their army, it
eventually turned out to be better than the troops of the former USSR in
different war operations.
Then I
figured that the United States of America was the first of the three empires of
the End Times that would appear in the arena of history before the advent of
the renewed Roman Empire. In other words, the Lion with eagle’s wings, which
originally symbolized the power of Babylon, became the image of the USA in the
New Testament fulfilment of the vision. Just as Babylon was the gold and most
brilliant empire among the four beasts of the Book of Daniel, no other empire
to come will experience as great and lasting prosperity, luxury and splendour
as 20th-century America. Being the Lion with eagle’s wings, Americans soared
high up to cosmic space and the Moon, going higher and farther than any other
20th-century nation. But like the Babylonians, also the Americans have risen in
sin and pride, which will lead to the collapse of their empire. In this sense,
I agree with David Wilkerson, who defined the USA as the apocalyptic Babylon.
The United States is therefore, in a way, the rebirth of ancient Babylon, but it
is not Babylon the Great—the harlot riding the Beast.
symbolism is clearly visible in the most prominent monument of the most famous
city of America. Which U.S. city is more illustrious than New York? And which
symbol of New York has been more well-known and more conspicuous for years than
the Statue of Liberty. This monumental statue is a gift from the French
revolutionaries, rebels and insurgents to American rebel revolutionists on the
occasion of the centenary of their revolutionary rebellion against Great
Britain. Abomination in the eyes of God and glory in the eyes of the people.
This monument represents the Greek goddess of victory, Nike, which has become
the embodiment or personification of freedom/liberty for Americans. On her
head, the goddess has a crown with seven horns, just like the apocalyptic beast
with seven heads and also the seven horns in their final form (Daniel
7:8.20.24). The base of the monument is absolutely unique: it is neither a
square nor a circle, nor a polygon, but a star with eleven points or horns.
Also in the Apocalypse, the Beast has ten horns, whilst the Antichrist himself,
as ruling the world, is the eleventh horn, and he can be likened to the
eleventh horn because he was repeatedly depicted as a horn in Daniel's vision
(Daniel 7:8.20–24 and 8:9–12).
What will
happen to America? Will it be wiped off the Earth’s surface, as prophesied by
God's servants, distraught over its sin? Or, perhaps, no greater harm will be
done to it, as prophesied by followers of the prosperity gospel, who believe
that donations to the missions will ensure God’s blessing and favour for
If the USA
as the superpower is actually the Lion with Eagle’s Wings from Daniel's
vision—and I am convinced it is—then the fate of the United States is not
difficult to predict:
“The first was like a lion, and had eagle’s wings. I watched till its wings
were plucked off; and it was lifted up from the earth and made to stand on two
feet like a man, and a man’s heart was given to it.” (Daniel
7:4, NKJV)
will survive but will be brutally humiliated. God will strike the pride of
Americans and will pluck off the wings of the USA, just like He struck the
pride of Nebuchadnezzar and harshly humiliated him (Daniel 4). Americans will
receive a human heart and will finally stand on two feet like humans, and will
no longer have their heads in the clouds. They will be judged, but by the grace
of God they will understand that they are only human. Therefore, I believe that
God's heavy judgment will fall on the United States because of their sins and
degeneration, but by the grace of God and the prayers of the saints who live
there, America will endure as a nation. The USA will no longer be the world
superpower that can trifle with almost everyone, not reckoning with others,
since their role will be pushed into the background. This country, however,
will survive its hardships to continue its existence and be eventually absorbed
by the Antichrist’s world-wide empire.
We shall
return to the role of America as the Lion, but it's time to focus on two other
empires? Since the Lion is the United States of America, where are the Bear and
the Leopard? Have these powers already appeared in the international arena?
Personally, I believe so. Furthermore, these powers are inherently very similar
to the American empire: they are multinational and multicultural democratic
empires created as a result of some past rebellions and revolutions? Like the
USA, each of these empires is not a single state, but a union or blend of many
united states.
I have
reason to believe that the germ of the Bear Empire was the Union of Soviet
Socialist Republics. This was the second great power, after the United States,
that was a patchwork of many different states, republics and countries which,
like the United States, threw off the shackles of the feudal power owing to the
bloody rebellion. Besides, even today throughout the world, and also in Russia
itself, there is the famous saying: “Russian bear”. The Russians have long been
identified with the bears, more than with any other animal, which is tantamount
to their sometimes-rude nature, brute strength and tough resistance to severe
climatic conditions. The Poles, Turks, Germans and French could personally find
it out the hard way and first-hand. Some nations were once effectively
conquered like the English, Spaniards, Italians, French, Germans or Poles, but
nobody has managed to conquer and beat the Russian Bear as yet. But why do I
call the Soviet Union only the germ of the biblical bear and not the very Bear-Beast
itself? Well, the bear raised up on one side is the image of the Medo-Persian
Union in Daniel's vision. The Medes were the nation who had gained fame in the
international arena before the Persians, but ultimately the Persians became the
dominant force in this alliance with the Medes. The USSR, even though it began
to assume the figure of the biblical bear, nonetheless, it had never entered
into a coalition or alliance with another superpower to jointly govern a huge
part of Asia and Europe. What am I getting at?
Well, I am
convinced that the Bear Empire is not yet fully formed, since the time of the
Lion – it is the United States – is not over yet. However, with the collapse of
the USA, there will be a gap in the political world, which will be filled in by
the Bear Empire created on the basis of the former USSR. If my understanding of
the prophecy is right – and I believe it is – this Bear Empire will be a
coalition of the two great powers, which will dominate the arena of history for
some time after America has been pushed aside. Of course, Russia and the many
republics of the former USSR will reunite as one, but who will be their
partner? Who will be this second superpower that used to stand in the shadows,
but will now take on the leading role in a coalition with Russia?
To the
south of the former Soviet Union, there is a large country which in the
twentieth century did not play much of a role in international politics and
economy. It was militarily weaker than the United States and poorer than the
Soviet Union, but recently began to experience the highest economic growth in
the world. It is China, of course. The Chinese have not only begun to catch up
with Western countries in terms of economic prosperity, but also their voice
has begun to increasingly count in the international forum. They also recently
managed to dispatch their astronaut into orbit by way of experiment, thus
emulating the same extraordinary feats of the Americans and Russians. I believe
that soon China will attract much more publicity and it will be revealed to the
world as another superpower. To fulfil the biblical prophecy, they will join
with the Russians to form a powerful union like the ancient Asian Medo-Persian
Union, whereupon they will dominate most of Asia. The legitimacy of my claims
will be argued more at length in the next chapter.
And who is
the leopard (or panther)? I am convinced that the Leopard is the European Union
which will be the last superpower previous to the advent of the world empire –
the resurrected Roman Empire.
The fate of
the Russo-Chinese Asian Union and the European Union was presented even more
extensively in another vision of Daniel – the fight of a Goat with a Ram.
The last
two chapters have presented the nature of the double fulfilment of the Old
Testament prophecies, which makes them of great value not only to past
generations, but also to ourselves. This also pertains to Daniel's prophecies:
as the empires of the Lion, Bear and Leopard preceded the arrival of the Roman
Empire in Daniel's vision, so likewise, the three superpowers will precede the
coming of the renewed Roman Empire, for the apocalyptic Beast will be a
conglomerate of the empires of the Lion, Bear and Leopard (i.e., Panther –
Revelation 13:2).
As already
described above, the seventh king of the same ilk as the ancient beasts was the
Germanic Empire that took over the reign from Rome and in the XX century
briefly wielded the authority becoming the economic and military superpower,
shaking the main centres of the civilized world, and cruelly persecuting the
chosen people of Israel? The eighth and final typically beast-like empire will
be the reborn Roman Empire, the worldwide antichrist state.
Thus, the
three empires preceding the re-arrival of the Roman Empire do not possess all
the qualities of beast-like powers, but they must appear on the stage of
history in a very clear and visible way to everybody in order for them to be
easily recognized. It has been shown that over the centuries, since the fall of
the Roman Empire, no power has had any worthy successors, neither has any of
them had any dominion over much of the civilized world. Only the emergence of
multinational union formations or associations of democratic states and
republics gave rise to the superpowers of the modern era.
This stage
in history was initiated by the United States of America, becoming the first
democratic union-empire. After the collapse of Nazi Germany, the USA dominated
all the international political arena and took the lead among all countries
worldwide in terms of military strength and economic prosperity. Referred to by
many charismatic prophets as the apocalyptic Babylon, the United States is
actually, as one might say, the revived or reborn kingdom of Babylon and is
represented by the Winged Lion beast.
previous section mentioned that the USA would be humiliated, but the Americans
would come to their senses whereby they would survive as the nation.
Interestingly, based on the Word of God, it is difficult to reach a conclusion
that the United States would be defeated in the wake of a fierce war or open
armed conflict with another superpower. On the contrary, it appears that the
failure of America and the decline of her reign will come suddenly as a shock
and surprise to the world. Nor was the ancient city of Babylon captured in the
aftermath of long-standing fighting or a gruelling military campaign. Legend
has it that the Persian King Cyrus diverted the course of the Euphrates flowing
through Babylon so that the walls surrounding the city would become useless –
the Persian troops invaded the city by way of the dry riverbed. Also, the Bible
speaks of a sudden and unexpected destruction of Babylon (Daniel 5:30). There
is every indication that the renewed Lion Empire, i.e., the USA will fall
suddenly, as if defeated by a ruse, exposed to the judgement by God Himself.
If the
apocalyptic words about the destruction of Babylon can also be applied to the
United States, which is admittedly kind of a restoration of Babylon, I believe
that the actual apocalyptic Babylon will be a worldwide religious system under
the leadership of Rome. One should then expect its sudden destruction by fire
(Revelation 18:9.21). I personally think that a nuclear payload might be
delivered to New York which is sort of the capital and most famous city not
only of America but also of all the world. The sudden and total destruction of
New York – the actual capital city of modern Babylon – in a consuming fire
would be the end of the U.S. power and the image of judgment awaiting the
entire godless world of the Antichrist who has already erected a statue in the
city for himself – the seven-horned Statue (Goddess) of Liberty. What about the
other two resurrected beasts – the Bear and the Leopard? What will be the fate
of the Asian Union and the European Union? Did Daniel say anything more which
would allow us to ascertain that it is indeed all about the alleged Union of
Russia with China and so-called United States of Europe?
third vision contained in the eighth chapter of his book answers many of these
questions. It describes a war between the two powers which will show up after
the collapse of Babylon. It is the Medo-Persian Union and the Greco-Macedonian
Empire of Alexander the Great. The Bear raised up on one of its sides (Daniel
7) is presented in this vision as a Ram which had “two horns, and the two
horns were high; but one was higher than the other, and the higher one came up
last.” (Daniel 8:3). It is, of course, the union of the Persians with
the Medes because the Persians, however, mostly ruled the new empire, even
though they made their mark on the history page later than the Medes. This is
also how the vision is explained by the angel of God (Daniel 8:20). Very
characteristic is the fact that the Empire of the Ram, or the Empire of the
Bear, i.e., the Medo-Persian Empire, was the Asian state. They only ruled over
a patch of the European land, and their attempts to take over all of Greece did
not get lasting results and ultimately ended up in failure. The Asian Ram was
pushing and butting “westward, northward, and southward” (Daniel
8:4), conquering other states and seizing most of civilized Asia. This
perfectly fits with the assumption that the revived Bear in the repeated
fulfilment of Daniel’s prophecy will be the Russo-Chinese Asian Union. The
Russians, indeed, possess some eastern European territories, but it will
suffice to just have a glance at the world map to realize that most of the
areas under their control are located on the Asian continent. If my
understanding of Daniel's vision is correct, the Chinese will take up the
leading role in a future coalition, even though they have been overshadowed by
Russia so far.
Why would
the Russians create a union with China modelled on the European Union or the
Union of American States? Maybe for fear of the growing power of the European
Community which, complacent about its strength, speaks out more and more boldly
against Russia's foreign policy. Perhaps this will happen to effectively fill
the void created by the imminent collapse of the American superpower. Perhaps
the root or immediate cause for the initiation of the Asian Union will be some
fanatical terrorists whom the Russians and the Chinese will agree to eliminate
from Asia once and for all. The fact is that even today the relations between
the USA and China or the European Union and Russia are not the best, but even
get worse year by year. In the light of the above words, the European Union
fits the image of the Goat, i.e., the Leopard Beast, which in antiquity became
the Greco-Macedonian Empire of Alexander the Great.
the European Union began to be formed as a third world union, because the first
federal country was the United States of America and the second one the Union
of Soviet Socialist Republics, which – I believe – is not quite all in the past
yet. The third beast was just the Leopard, or the European Goat in another
vision of Daniel. Secondly, the European Union is the European empire – like
the ancient world power of Alexander the Great, which emerged in Europe.
Thirdly, even without knowing the above-mentioned prophecy of Daniel, every
Christian realizes that the European Union policy and laws directly and openly
seek to pave the way for the future state of the Antichrist.
So, what
picture of the future does Daniel’s vision draw for us? The Lion, the United
States, will be humiliated and somewhat pushed aside ceasing to be the global
superpower. It will be overshadowed by an Asian Union which, I believe, is a
coalition of Russia and China. This Union will take control of most of Asia,
and for a certain period of time it will be the largest and most powerful
empire of the contemporary world. However, when the European Union grows strong
enough, there will be an open armed conflict which can be called the Third
World War. Just like the European forces of Alexander the Great defeated the
Asian Alliance between the Medes and the Persians, so now the Europeans will
beat the coalition of Asians. The Bear, despite his great strength, will be
overcome by the Leopard having four bird’s wings. How on earth can the leopard
defeat the bear? Probably not thanks to the advantage of strength, but thanks
to cunning, agility and ... four bird-like wings.
bird’s wings do not allow to rise too high above the ground. Nevertheless, the
presence of the leopard’s wings is notable as it also appears in a sense in the
vision of the struggle of the Asian goat against the European ram. Daniel says
that “suddenly a male goat came from the west, across the surface of the
whole earth, without touching the ground” (Daniel 8:5). In other words,
the European power attacking from the west floated just above the earth's
surface. Perhaps the weaker and less numerous Europeans will beat the
Russian-Chinese coalition with some new war machines hovering just over the
another detail of this conflict highlighted by Daniel should draw our
attention. The prophet watched the fight between the Goat and the Ram standing
by the Ulai River. It was by this river that the Ram stood, which could mean
that the border of the future Asian Union would extend as far as the Ulai River
(Daniel 8:2-3). Why exactly the Ulai? What is the location and the significance
of this ancient river now? Well, most researchers have no doubt that the former
Ulai River is the present Karkheh or Karkhen, the river being the frontier
between Iraq and Iran on a several hundred-kilometer stretch. After the
"liberation" of Iraq by the USA forces and a peculiar form of
international "care" extended to the state, Iraq became in some way
inviolable. A Russian-Chinese invasion of this country would be a blow to the
principles of “democracy” and such professed by the USA and the European Union.
Therefore, at least until a certain time, the boundaries of the Asian Union
will reach Iraq’s borders in the south, while the frontiers of the European
Union in the north.
As was
already said, there will be a war between the Asian Union and the European
Union. Ultimately, however, the Europeans will win and the European Union will
be spread over the terrains of the former Asian Union embracing almost all of
Eurasia with its borders.
The aim of
the European Union is not Europe's domination over the world, but the
co-domination by all peoples, nations and races. In this case, the name
"European Union" will sound inappropriate because Europe will be
friendly with the peoples of Asia and the former subjects of the
Russian-Chinese Union defeated by the Europeans. The name then will need to be
altered adapting it to the new circumstances. Other countries in the world will
also gradually join this Eurasian union, including the already-weakened USA. In
this way, after a while, the European Union will totally abandon its original
name and will be, slowly but surely, transformed into the World Union – the
re-established Roman Empire.
This is
where all the four visions of Daniel will meet their full and consistent
fulfilment. In the first two visions, Daniel saw that the coming of the
Messiah, the Kingdom of God and the Antichrist’s reign would take place during
the time of the Roman Empire, and in two subsequent visions those events were
to have taken place even in the days of the Greek Empire. In their first,
already historic fulfilment, there was some inaccuracy in these visions, but in
the second, future fulfilment of this prophecy there is no more inexactitude:
the European Empire being, so to say, the revived Greek Empire may defeat the
Asian Union embodying the former Persian state. This reborn Greek Empire (the
European Union) will then gradually cease to be the union of just European
states but will be transformed into the union of all the countries of the
world. The revived Empire of Rome will be, so to speak, an extended or
transformed European Union. Therefore, Daniel rightly prophesied that this same
Antichrist would emerge from the Greek superpower as well as from the Roman
Exactly the
same is uttered by the prophet John in the Apocalypse: the beast that he saw
was like a panther or leopard (Revelation 13:2). It wasn’t the leopard alone,
i.e., the third end-time empire, but the beast – the fourth end-time empire,
that is, one of the seven apocalyptic kings who had returned to rule the entire
world henceforth. It was not the leopard but the beast – it nevertheless
resembled a leopard, or looked like a leopard. What does this show us? It shows
us that the beast will come into being on the basis of the Leopard’s Empire and
will somehow be an extension of his power, just as the Global Roman Empire will
emerge from the European Union.
European Community, as a harbinger of the upcoming Roman Empire, was founded in
1957 in the form of the European Economic Community on the initiative of the
so-called "Six" – Belgium, France, West Germany, Italy, Luxembourg
and the Netherlands. Under the Treaty of Rome, these six European countries
created the single, internal market or common market.
Also, the
other elements of the global beast's body can be quite easily explained. "His
mouth like the mouth of a lion" – (Revelation 13:2). To my mind, this
means not only the absorption of the USA by the expanding European Union, but
also the fact that the views and doctrines professed by the Beast-State will
just come from the USA. The beast will have a lion's mouth, and will speak like
a lion. A future World Union born of the European Union will have similar
principles and aspirations as the United States of America nowadays. Don't we
see it today? Is the concept of the Americanization of the European society
strange to us? The pursuit of money; ban on prayer and speaking about Jesus in
schools; prohibition on defining homosexuality as sickness, sin or perversion;
universal tolerance for divorce, remarriage and living in cohabitation (aka
concubinage) or common-law marriage; Christians who make a career in politics
or become rock and/or pop stars, but do not want to commit themselves to
Christ. It is the United States which is the centre of the world pornography,
this is where most Christians consider bloody wars and sending terrorists
straight to hell a mission pleasing to God, this is the place whence
stress-free upbringing, contemporary Freemasonry and the idea of the world
government originate. America has always shocked the world with its views, but
titillated and enticed with its wealth, prosperity and worldly desires. But the
world, as it usually is, "loved desires more than God", so
Poland and the whole of Europe sold their minds into slavery of the Big
Brother’s theory from across the Pond. Slowly and painfully, we are already
beginning to feel the effects of this tragic choice – pornography, drugs,
brothels, wild youth. And it will get worse. The world, however, seeks
prosperity and full freedom to pursue their own whims, which is why the
European Union mostly expresses theories borne out in the United States, and
also the very state of the Antichrist will perpetuate and expand the way of
thinking of Freemasons and deistic authors of the American Constitution.
The paws,
that is a source of strength and development of the coming beast, will be the
Asian Union countries since it is the inhabitants of distant Asia who are
considered the most hard-working people on Earth and who make up a huge part of
the world’s population. Just ask any passer-by which countries, in their
opinion, are currently the major centres of civilization, economic development
and military strength. Which countries are among the most powerful in this day
and age? Not Australia, not any of the countries in Africa, not the Arab
countries, not Brazil, not Mexico, not even Canada. However, they are
undoubtedly the USA, the European Union, Russia and China. Unsurprisingly, these
are the very empires which will form the backbone of the Antichrist's future
global empire – and it began to be clearly formed before our very eyes after
the collapse of the seventh king: the Germanic beast.
The purpose
of this book is to present an exposition of Daniel’s prophecies, which I
believe is consistent not only with the schema once completed in the ancient
past and with the words of the Apocalypse but also corresponds to the current
political situation. The United States of America became the first superpower
of a union character born as a result of the armed revolution, becoming a kind
of reborn Babylon—the lion with eagle’s wings. In its wake followed France in
Europe and then, over a hundred years later, Russia into the bargain. However,
it was Russia that launched a second union state after the USA in the shape of
the former Soviet Union, which has survived to this day in its reduced form as
the Russian Federation (a federation is a compound of many countries that have
a common government, currency, and foreign policy). Thus, the USSR and the
present Russian Federation provided a foundation for the future Asian Union,
which I think will be a coalition of Russia and China. This will somewhat be a
revived or reborn empire of the Medes and Persians—the Bear raised up on one
side, or the Ram with the two horns, one larger than the other. They will fill
in the gap left after the collapse of the USA. Finally, France itself, along
with the rest of Europe, will form a European Union that will be a federal
state in character: a common currency, a common foreign policy, and a common
army. The European Community will become a revived Greek empire under Alexander
the Great (Alexander III of Macedon)—the Leopard with four bird-like wings and
four heads, or a Goat with one horn, which, after defeating the Asian Union,
will grow into four horns "toward the four winds of heaven"
(Daniel 8:8). As a result of the imminent World War III, the European Union
will overcome the Asian Union and then will begin to gradually transform itself
into the world-wide state of the Antichrist—the Reborn Roman Empire, a cruel
and terrible Beast with ten horns (Daniel 7:7 and Revelation 13:1). This global
state will be set up based on the three union-like empires of the end times:
the Lion, the Bear and the Leopard which will all form the backbone or core of
present-day and future unions: American, Asian and European (Revelation 13:2).
Do we have
any other indications confirming the veracity of such an interpretation of the
visions of the prophets Daniel and John? Yes, even a lot. Firstly, the very
idea of union-like countries is just what Satan needs to be able to create a
world-wide state. Within the union, the states retain some autonomy of power
and some of their own rights, but in matters concerning all the associate
member states of the union, decisions are made at the federal level. The
federal government is elected at the election held in all the union countries.
It is a way to avoid civil wars, constant coups and the rule of a narrow group
of people who often favour Satan’s plans, but sometimes they thwart and hinder
them. Democratic governments are the optimum solution for people in this world
because most people condemn and reject the rule of tyrants, tormentors, and
oppressors. Nevertheless, in the words of the Bible, most people also repudiate
God Himself and His ways (Psalm 14:2, Matthew 7:14, Romans 11:5), which is why
democracy is the only political system where nations gradually but effectively
implement Satan’s intentions, conceptions and plans. Condemning any
dissimilarity in beliefs, behaviours or nationalities will be severely punished
by the people, the Antichrist’s spirit (1 John 4:3), because strict views stir
up divisions among the people whom Satan now wants to unite.
All the
assertions that only Virgin Mary saves or only Allah saves, or only the Roman
Catholic Church saves—all of them will have to either fall or be transformed.
Christians obstinately adhering to the confession that Jesus Christ alone is
the only way to God the Father will be seen by the world as fanatical and
intolerant enemies of unity and love, as well as all people of goodwill.
the ideologies proclaimed by the union countries tend towards the order
ordained by the Antichrist. The authority of governments, husbands and parents
is overthrown at the expense of the idea or notion of universal equality and
full equality of rights. Presidents are held up to ridicule to the limits of
decency, the feminist movement dominates even Christianity, parents’ right to
educate their children according to their own beliefs is restricted. Not only
in Russia and China was it suggested that children be taken away from their
parents so that they could be raised by the state itself. Also, in the United
States and European Union, the state increasingly interferes in educating new
generations by atheist-humanistic ideology. The concept of tolerance and
acceptance has been distorted and replaced with tolerance for and acceptance of
all otherness, which in practice boils down to a ban on the spread of radical
ideas and beliefs, including Christian ones. Now all sexual orientations and
preferences are deemed good, everyone in the family has an equal voice and all
roads or ways lead to God. This is exactly what the Antichrist needs in order
to be able to assume authority over such diverse nations, cultures, people and
the signs of the end times are being fulfilled more and more abundantly.
Escalation of wars, harshness of natural disasters, intensity of sin and
debauchery, severity of blasphemous convictions, intensification of atheism and
evolutionism plus related theories, return of paganism, return of awakened
Christianity, return of God’s power and that of the Devil, Israel’s return to
Palestine and the political scene. No one reading the Bible intelligently and
judiciously has any doubt that the signs of the final times have begun to be
fulfilled more clearly, more often and more abundantly than ever before.
Therefore, the empires of the Lion, Bear and Leopard preceding the revival of
the Roman Empire should also be clearly visible or at least partially developed.
This becomes all the more obvious if we agree about the fact that the Germanic
Empire was the seventh and last apocalyptic king—the imperial beast oppressing
the Jews, which appeared for "a short space (of time)"
(Revelation 17:10 KJV).
After the
fall of the seventh beast, the whole world is preparing for the advent of the
worldwide state. Furthermore, there is a very rich symbolism presented by
modern empires, which clearly shows believers what, or rather whom, we are
dealing with. Thus, for example, we have already mentioned the Statue of
Liberty, the seven-horned Greek goddess Nike, which became a symbol of New
York, the actual capital of all the rebel world. Another notable symbol is the
five-pointed star, which is most often identified with the USA (white), the
USSR or Russian Federation (red) and the European Union (yellow). The Soviet
star sign was also adopted by Communist China. Discovering the genesis of this
symbolic mark may cause some difficulties, but some sources suggest that we are
dealing here with the pentagram, which is most often seen in an inverted form.
Placing the occult sign or symbol on the national emblem or the national flag
is not something incredible; even the flag of Israel bears the famous star of
the god Remphan, worshiped by the Hebrews long before David, who in fact had
nothing to do with it (Amos 5:26 and Acts 7:43). So, we can safely assume that
the upended pentagram has become a recognizable sign of the present-day powers
of the EU.
interesting character is the pyramid appearing on the one-dollar bill and the
eye in the triangular frame at the top of it. This eye in the triangle is
sometimes used by Catholics as a symbol of God, but in reality, it is a symbol
of the Antichrist, hence of Lucifer, the Prosecutor himself. This symbol
already existed in ancient Egypt as the eye of Horus, but it is also known to
other cultures whose peoples sometimes rose their hands towards the Sun so that
the combined thumbs and index fingers formed a triangular shape and the Sun was
in the centre of the sign. For example, in a slightly distorted form, the same
sign is a symbol of kyokushin kaikan karate. It is worth noting that the
founder of this karate style, Sosai Masutatsu Oyama, in his book “The Way of
Kyokushinkai”, explains that the Japanese term “kyokushin” is intended
to mean “the association for cognition of the ultimate truth”. Nothing
more, nothing less. The Eye enlightens its followers. Karatekas call this
enlightenment “satori”, and the yogis call it "nirvana,” or
inner eye.
Europe, after the hypocritical rule of cruel pseudo-Christians, also
experienced a similar “Enlightenment” in the form of humanism, deistical
intellectualism, atheism, evolutionism, feminism, revolutionism and all the
other forms of demonism. The same Eye in the triangle is one of the main
symbols of the Masonic lodge, the Illuminati (i.e., “the Enlightened”),
founded to pave the way for their messiah and the revived King Solomon—the
Antichrist, a wise and wealthy ruler who, speaking of peace, will lead Israel
to (religious) apostasy. The eye, pyramid, and Latin inscription “Novus ordo
seclorum”—”New Order of the Ages"—called “Great Seal”
were affixed to the $1 bill in 1934 by President Franklin Roosevelt, who was a
Freemason of the 32nd degree of initiation. Modern Freemasonry took a more
organized form on May 1, 1776 when the Masonic Society of the (Bavarian)
Illuminati was founded by the Jesuit-trained German Adam Weishaupt. This took
place in the emergent American Union which became the first of the three
end-times empires.
Does the
Bible also mention something about this Eye? Indeed, but we do not find it in
many translations, as translators of the prophet Zechariah did not know how to
deal with the word “eye” in relation to our passage and translated it in
all other ways. This is about Zechariah chapter 5, verse 6:
GOD'S WORD Translation (1995)
“What is it?” I asked. “A basket is coming”, he said. Then he added, “This
is what the people's sins look like all over the earth.”
King James 2000 Bible (2003)
And I said, What is it? And he said, This is the basket [the ephah] that
goes forth. He said moreover, This is their resemblance through all the earth. (New
Kings James Version – same).
NET Bible (2006)
I asked, “What is it?” And he replied, “It is a basket for measuring grain
that is moving away from here.” Moreover, he said, “This is their ‘eye’ throughout
all the earth.”
Complete Jewish Bible
I asked, “What is it?” He
said, “This is the eifah-measure [a one-bushel dry-measure] passing by.” Then
he added, “This is their eye in all the land.”
Only the
NET Bible and Complete Jewish Bible of the aforesaid versions give a
literal translation of this passage from Hebrew because the word UJN (ayin
– Strong’s No. 5869) used here refers to the “eye” and sometimes “fountain,
source”. What is the eye the prophet speaks of?
10 So I said to the angel who
talked with me, “Where are they carrying the basket?” 11 And he said
to me, “To build a house for it in the land of Shinar; when it is ready, the
basket will be set there on its base.” (Zechariah 5:10-11, NKJV)
The country
of Shinar is Babylon, and the house is the temple – just as the Bible calls the
Temple of Jerusalem the house of God. The temples of Babylon were in the shape
of stepped pyramids, just like the first pyramids of Egypt and the buildings of
the Inca, Maya and Aztec peoples. The eye in the Book of Zechariah will
then be placed at the top of the pyramid in Babylon. How do we know this very
eye is the Antichrist himself?
speaks of Christ as the stone on which there are the seven eyes (Zechariah 3:9)
– Jahweh’s eyes watching all the Earth (Zechariah 4:10). They symbolize the
omniscience and omnipresence of both God the Father and the risen Christ who,
after being transformed and glorified, received all wisdom, might and power
(Revelation 5:12). The Antichrist, who will desire to be equal of and like the
Most High God, will strive to know everything about everyone. Therefore, he
will introduce a universal system of monitoring with Internet, terrestrial and
satellite cameras as well as all kinds of sensors and at the end of the day, he
will “brand” all the inhabitants of the Earth like cattle – the refractory or
recalcitrant will become slaves, prisoners or ... corpses. This supposedly
all-knowing and all-seeing Eye is the symbol of the Antichrist who will be a
godlike overman – demigod and superman – familiar with the arcane knowledge. He
will be an exceedingly shrewd ruler like King Solomon.
The same
big eye also appears in the symbolism of the European Union, the State most
associated with the future Union of the Antichrist. The name “Europe”
comes from the Greek words “eurus” (“wide, broad”) and “ops” (“eye”).
Some, therefore, interpret it as a “woman with big eyes”, but from the
perspective of God's revelation, we can call the European Union the State of “the
great eye of the Antichrist”, as it is from the European Community that the
reborn Roman Empire will emerge later on. This becomes even more obvious when
we look at the mythological princess Europa who has become the symbol of that
Union. Beautiful Europa was, according to the Greeks, the daughter of the
Phoenician king Agenor. Zeus, the king of all demons (as domestic guardian
deities were then called), fell in love with her, appeared on Earth in the form
of a white bull and abducted the woman to Crete where Europa gave birth to his
three sons.
creators of the ECU currency, which was put into circulation in the European
Community before the advent of the EUR (the euro), the official currency of the
European Union, captured the characteristic scene from the aforementioned Greek
myth. On the reverse of the ECU coins there was the figure of the woman
(Europa) riding the bull (Zeus), signalling to the believers the imminent
coming of the time of the Antichrist and the appearance of the Woman riding the
Beast (Revelation 17:3). The Woman on the Animal has become one of the symbols
of the European Union – the motif could be seen in the numerous posters and
drawings promoting and embodying the European Community and was commemorated in
the form of the monument standing at the entrance to the European Parliament
building in Brussels.
addition, the association of the European countries as the revived Empire of
the Leopard and the union of "the big eye" strictly refers to
the biblical account of the construction of the Tower of Babel by king Nimrod.
It’s known that the Tower of Babel is an image of the forthcoming Global State
wherein people, under the leadership of a brilliant ruler, will establish “love,
peace and prosperity” in their individualistic “paradise on earth”.
The living God will be pushed away and everything will happen on the basis of
human capabilities, that is – in the biblical terms – based on the flesh. Babel
is, of course, later Babylon and the nascent “Great Babylon” –
the Global State and the Global Church. The Hebrew word for BBL (babel -
Strong's No. 0894) is a combination of the word BLL (balal - Strong's
No. 01101) meaning “mixed, blended, mingled, confused” with the word
BBH (baba - Strong's No. 0892) meaning ... “pupil (of an eye)”!
Thus, as previously outlined, the symbol of the Antichrist, which is the big
eye, was already created in the times of Nimrod at the construction of the
Tower of Babel which was probably called “the tower of the pupil (of an
eye)”. There is a link between the Hebrew name Babel (or Babylon)
and the Greek word Europa, since both of them point to the “big
the king Nimrod – type of the Antichrist and the builder of the Tower of Babel
(Genesis 10:10) – also bears an apocalyptic mystery in his name. The Hebrew
NMRWD (Nimrod - Strong’s No. 05248), sometimes translated as “rebellion”,
comes from the word NMR (namar - Strong’s No. 05245 and 05246) meaning
... “leopard”. Exactly the same word was used by Daniel in his vision of
the beast prior to the advent of the Global State (Daniel 7:6). We know from
Jeremiah 13:23 that this is certainly the leopard (also known as the panther),
i.e., the large spotted predatory cat. Nimrod's name is sometimes translated as
“winner of leopards” or “walking in the power of a leopard”.
It can be
assumed that the name Nimrod is also associated with Narmer who was for the
ancient Egyptians what king Mieszko I for the Poles. Also in Egypt, this
ancient cult and symbolism of the leopard survived in the form of leopard skins
worn by the high priests and dignitaries. It has already been demonstrated that
the ancient leopard has returned in the shape of the European Union so we have
yet another anchor point for linking the Tower of Babel with Europe.
Finally, we
can also mention the philosophy of the European Union (or somehow reborn Greek
Empire) which draws its ideas from the views of the ancient Greek philosophers.
Democracy, euthanasia, acceptance and promotion of public nudity and
homosexuality, scepticism, atheism, humanist intellectualism, state
interference in child-rearing, aiming to unite all the city-states and treating
Christ’s sacrifice as foolishness. All these theories are derived from ancient
Greece. It also teaches that Daniel's prophecy concerning the Greek Empire
previous to the rule of Rome also applies to our times.
Why is it
important to us? God wants us to know what we are to expect and what policy
changes will occur in the world before the advent of the Empire of the
Antichrist. These changes will be a signal and a trumpet call for the whole
Church of God to cleave and cling to Christ Jesus even more and, conscious of
the times, commit ourselves to Him. So, what will happen?
First and
foremost, the United States will fall from power. They will be humiliated in a
sudden and startling manner in the eyes of all the world, but by the grace of
God they will survive and understand that they are only humans. Then, there
will be the rise of a mighty empire in Asia as a coalition of the two great
powers. In a very bloody and brutal way, the Asian Union will introduce its
order and control in Asia up to the frontiers of Iraq. The words “Arise,
devour much flesh!” (Daniel 7:5, NKJV) and “nor was there any
that could deliver from his hand” (Daniel 8:4, NKJV) don’t mean anything
good for Asia. Then there will be a war between the European Union and the
Asian Union. In this war, the stronger Bear will be defeated by a nimbler
Leopard so that the European Union will take possession of most of Asia. In the
words of Daniel, we can also expect that after the departure of the European
commander-in-chief in World War III, there will not be a worthy successor to
him, and the Eurasian land will be divided among four “presidents” (Daniel 7:6,
8:8.22, 11:4). Local armed conflicts are still likely to take place; however,
the Eurasian Association will be joined by other countries of the world from
different continents and eventually the whole Earth will be divided among ten
“presidents” – the ten horns of the Beast. Then the Antichrist will turn
up and, in the middle of his seven-year reign, there will be a great
tribulation which was foretold by all the prophets.
How long
will it take? I don’t know. Personally, I don’t believe that all of this should
be fulfilled in the next few or several years, but it certainly will not take
ages. I think this time should be measured in decades, as the duration of human
life is measured. It won’t take long now. I believe that this publication is
the trumpet cry of God. I believe I heard that voice and that’s why I have to
and I want to speak. Each of you, on the grounds of the Word of God, can judge
by the Spirit of God whether these are just my fantasies or Jesus actually
speaks about what will occur. Before long, most of us will be able to see for
ourselves whether this rendition of the prophecy is true. God warns us not too
late, but we are warned in time so that we can prepare for what is to come. He
speaks to us before it happens so that, seeing the fulfilment of those hidden
mysteries, we may glorify Him as the One who knows the end from the very
from Polish into English by Robert Jarosz, a Polish English teacher,
Master of Arts, linguist, translator and interpreter, living in Dublin,
Republic of Ireland.